Or Elmaliah c6017ea97f ios working 5 years ago
dist c6017ea97f ios working 5 years ago
example c6017ea97f ios working 5 years ago
src c6017ea97f ios working 5 years ago
Gulpfile.js c6017ea97f ios working 5 years ago
LICENSE bf607b6707 First commit 6 years ago
README.md c6017ea97f ios working 5 years ago
index.js c6017ea97f ios working 5 years ago
package.json c6017ea97f ios working 5 years ago


SVG Gauge

Minmalistic, configurable, animated SVG gauge. Zero dependencies

Migration from 1.0.2

The new gauge uses a viewbox of 100x100 as opposed to previous 1000x1000. All the stroke and font values have to be adjusted accordingly in your CSS. Just divide those by 10


Check out the live demo for various options and styling tips for this gauge



<div id="cpuSpeed" class="gauge-container"></div>


.gauge-container {
  width: 150px;
  height: 150px;
  display: block;
  padding: 10px;
.gauge-container > .gauge > .dial {
  stroke: #eee;
  stroke-width: 2;
  fill: rgba(0,0,0,0);
.gauge-container > .gauge > .value {
  stroke: rgb(47, 227, 255);
  stroke-width: 2;
  fill: rgba(0,0,0,0);
.gauge-container > .gauge > .value-text {
  fill: rgb(47, 227, 255);
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 1em;


// npm install
npm install svg-gauge

// Require JS
var Gauge = require("svg-gauge");

// Standalone
var Gauge = window.Gauge;

// Create a new Gauge
var cpuGauge = Gauge(document.getElementById("cpuSpeed"), {
    max: 100,
    // custom label renderer
    label: function(value) {
      return Math.round(value) + "/" + this.max;
    value: 50,
    // Custom dial colors (Optional)
    color: function(value) {
      if(value < 20) {
        return "#5ee432"; // green
      }else if(value < 40) {
        return "#fffa50"; // yellow
      }else if(value < 60) {
        return "#f7aa38"; // orange
      }else {
        return "#ef4655"; // red

// Set gauge value

// Set value and animate (value, animation duration in seconds)
cpuGauge.setValueAnimated(90, 1);


Name Description
dialStartAngle The angle in degrees to start the dial (135)
dialEndAngle The angle in degrees to end the dial. This MUST be less than dialStartAngle (45)
radius The radius of the gauge (40)
min The minimum value for the gauge. This can be a negative value (0)
max The maximum value for the gauge (100)
label Optional function that returns a string label that will be rendered in the center. This function will be passed the current value
showValue Whether to show the value at the center of the gauge (true)
gaugeClass The CSS class of the gauge (gauge)
dialClass The CSS class of the gauge's dial (dial)
valueDialClass The CSS class of the gauge's fill (value dial) (value)
valueClass The CSS class of the gauge's text (value-text)
color (new) An optional function that can return a color for current value function(value) {}
viewBox (new) An optional string that specifies the crop region (0 0 100 100)

That's all good, but what about React?

import React from "react";
import CreateReactClass from "create-react-class";
import Gauge from "svg-gauge";

const defaultOptions = {
  animDuration: 1,
  showValue: true,
  max: 100
  // Put any other defaults you want. e.g. dialStartAngle, dialEndAngle, radius, etc.

const Component = CreateReactClass({
  displayName: "Gauge",
  componentDidMount() {

  shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
    const {props} = this;
    if(props.value !== nextProps.value) {
    return false;

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="gauge-container" ref={el => this.gaugeEl = el}></div>

  renderGauge(props) {
    const gaugeOptions = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, props);
    if(!this.gauge) {
      this.gauge = Gauge(this.gaugeEl, gaugeOptions);
    this.gauge.setValueAnimated(props.value, gaugeOptions.animDuration);

And Angular?

Ha! It's already there