package nl.digitalthings.mebarista; import; import; import; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothManager; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.content.res.AssetManager; import; import; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Message; import android.os.Messenger; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.preference.Preference; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.Log; import org.achartengine.chart.PointStyle; import org.achartengine.model.TimeSeries; import org.achartengine.model.XYMultipleSeriesDataset; import org.achartengine.model.XYSeries; import org.achartengine.renderer.XYMultipleSeriesRenderer; import org.achartengine.renderer.XYSeriesRenderer; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Scanner; public class BaristaService extends IntentService implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { private static final String TAG = "BaristaService"; static final int UPDATE = 1; private NotificationManager mNM = null; public MainActivity ma; public XYMultipleSeriesDataset gdataset; public XYMultipleSeriesRenderer renderer; private XYSeriesRenderer r_second_channel; public int teller, teller_input_lines; public XYSeries[] series = { null, null, null }; BTHandler bt2 = null; boolean pause_updates = false, pause_prefs = false; boolean did_firmware = false; public StringWriter log; public boolean legacy = false; // BLE BLEHandler blehandler = null; byte[] fw_final; byte[] fw_final2; boolean firmware_start_stk500 = false; SharedPreferences settings; public BaristaService() { super( "BaristaService" ); teller = 0; teller_input_lines = 0; log = new StringWriter(); configure_graph(); } @Override public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) { // handle the preference change here if( pause_prefs ) return ; Log.i( TAG, "Shared preference: " + key + "changed" ); showNotification(key, "changed"); } @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { // We want this service to continue running until it is explicitly // stopped, so return sticky. super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId); return START_STICKY; } @Override public void onDestroy() { if( bt2 != null ) { // bt2.stop_loop(); bt2.close_object(); bt2.close(); bt2 = null; } if( blehandler != null ) { // blehandler.mBluetoothGatt.disconnect(); blehandler.close(); blehandler = null; } super.onDestroy(); } public class LocalBinder extends Binder { BaristaService getService() { return BaristaService.this; } } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return mBinder; } // This is the object that receives interactions from clients. See // RemoteService for a more complete example. private final IBinder mBinder = new LocalBinder(); class IncomingHandler extends Handler { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case UPDATE: break; default: super.handleMessage(msg); } } } public void scan ( ) { if (mHandler != null) mHandler.obtainMessage(MainActivity.SPINNER_ON).sendToTarget(); if (bt2 == null && settings.getBoolean("pref_bt_bt2_enabled", true)) bt2 = new BTHandler(this); if (bt2 != null && !settings.getBoolean("pref_bt_bt2_enabled", true)) { bt2.close(); bt2.close_object(); bt2 = null; } if (bt2 != null); // TODO: if this is the check, all other ble sart code needs to go through here if (!getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_BLUETOOTH_LE)) { return ; } if (blehandler == null && settings.getBoolean("pref_bt_ble_enabled", false)) { BluetoothManager mBluetoothManager = (BluetoothManager) ma.getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE); blehandler = new BLEHandler( this, mBluetoothManager ); //blehandler.setup(); <- wordt al door discover gedaan. } if (blehandler != null && !settings.getBoolean("pref_bt_ble_enabled", false)) { blehandler.close(); blehandler = null; } if( blehandler != null ) ); } /** * Target we publish for clients to send messages to IncomingHandler. */ final Messenger mMessenger = new Messenger(new IncomingHandler()); @Override protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) { // /* SharedPreferences */ settings; if( ma != null && settings == null ) settings = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ma); String action = ""; if( mNM == null ) mNM = (NotificationManager)getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); if( intent != null ) action = intent.getStringExtra("action"); if( action == null ) action = ""; if( action.equals( "send" ) ) { write( intent.getStringExtra( "payload" ) ); } if( action.equals("scan") ) { // this.scan( ); /* if (mHandler != null) mHandler.obtainMessage(MainActivity.SPINNER_ON).sendToTarget(); if (bt2 == null && settings.getBoolean("pref_bt_bt2_enabled", true)) bt2 = new BTHandler(this); if (bt2 != null && !settings.getBoolean("pref_bt_bt2_enabled", true)) { bt2.close(); bt2 = null; } if (bt2 != null); if (blehandler == null && settings.getBoolean("pref_bt_ble_enabled", false)) { BluetoothManager mBluetoothManager = (BluetoothManager) ma.getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE); blehandler = new BLEHandler( this, mBluetoothManager ); } if (blehandler != null && !settings.getBoolean("pref_bt_ble_enabled", false)) { blehandler.close(); blehandler = null; } if( blehandler != null ) ); */ // mHandler.obtainMessage(MainActivity.SPINNER_OFF ).sendToTarget(); // // disable second channel depending on setting // TODO: get setting // /* SharedPreferences */settings = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ma); if ( !settings.getBoolean( "pref_ui_second_sensor", false ) && gdataset.getSeriesCount() > 2 ) { gdataset.removeSeries(2); renderer.removeSeriesRenderer(r_second_channel); } // gdataset.addSeries(series[2]); // renderer.addSeriesRenderer(r_second_channel); // } // teller_input_lines = 0; //; // bt2.close(); } /* Deze actie komt uit de preferences Hardware->Firmware */ if( action.equals("firmware") ) { showNotification("Firmware", "Firmware @ 2%"); do_firmware_2( intent.getStringExtra( "firmware_file" ) ); return ; } if( action.equals("demo")) { // enable second schannel //gdataset.removeSeries( 2 ); //renderer.removeSeriesRenderer( r_second_channel ); // Does not work. yet. //if( gdataset.getSeriesCount() == 2 ) { // gdataset.addSeries(series[2]); // renderer.addSeriesRenderer(r_second_channel); // } fillChartWithDemoData(); return ; } if( action.equals( "fw_reset" ) ) { try { connected_os.write( "\ncmd reset en\n".getBytes() ); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ; } if( action.equals( "fw_stop" ) ) { stop = true; reader_thread.interrupt(); return ; } if( action.equals( "fw_start" ) ) { reader_thread_start(); return ; } if( action.equals( "fw_close" ) ) { // reader_thread_start(); blehandler.close(); blehandler = null; return ; } if( action.equals( "fw_open" ) ) { // blehandler . open() ? BluetoothManager mBluetoothManager = (BluetoothManager) ma.getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE); blehandler = new BLEHandler( this, mBluetoothManager ); blehandler.setup(); return ; } if( action.equals( "fw_flash" ) ) { // Thread fw_flash = new Thread() { public void run() { // do_firmware(); load_firmware( "meCoffee-V9" ); STK500 p0 = new STK500( connected_is, connected_os, new Logx(ma, ma.getBaseContext()) ); try { p0.main( fw_final2 ); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; fw_flash.start(); return ; } } public void spinner( boolean on ) { mHandler.obtainMessage( on ? MainActivity.SPINNER_ON : MainActivity.SPINNER_OFF, "" ).sendToTarget(); } public boolean is_meCoffee( String devicename ) { if( devicename == null ) return false; return devicename.startsWith( "me" ) || devicename.equals( "MissSilvia" ); } public boolean stop = false; public void read( InputStream is ) { // Use the java.util scanner to break the input into lines boolean usescanner = false; if( usescanner ) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(is).useDelimiter("\n"); // Use infinite loop to read the inStream int errors = 0; while(!stop) { String line = ""; try { line =; } catch(NoSuchElementException e) { // Occurs regurarly, if the stream has dried up for example // bad connection, large distances etc // Goto sleep // try { SystemClock.sleep(500); } // catch (InterruptedException e1) { } errors++; if(errors > 5) break; else // And try again continue; } catch(Exception e) { // Something unforeseen has gone wrong: // Break out of this connection break; } errors = 0; try { updateDataset( line, 0 ); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } if( !usescanner ) { byte[] buffer = new byte[16]; int bytes; StringBuilder readMessage = new StringBuilder(); while ( !stop && !reader_thread.isInterrupted() ) { if( is == null ) // TODO: moet helemaal niet kunnen break; try { bytes = buffer, 0, 16 ); String readed = new String(buffer, 0, bytes); readMessage.append(readed); if (readed.contains("\n")) { try { // Get message and remove from queue before parsing // otherwise we keep looping over the same message // when an exception occurs // int size = readMessage.indexOf("\r\n"); int size = readMessage.indexOf("\n"); String line = null; if( size > 0 ) line = readMessage.toString().substring( 0, size - 1 ); // -1 for the /r ? ( was 'size' ) readMessage.delete(0, size + 1 ); if( line != null ) updateDataset( line, 0); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { int size = readMessage.indexOf("\r\n"); e.printStackTrace(); } //readMessage.setLength(0); } } catch (IOException e) { // connectionLost(); Log.e( TAG, "Connection lost" ); break; } } } stop = false; connected_is = null; connected_os = null; } Thread reader_thread; InputStream connected_is; OutputStream connected_os; private void reader_thread_start() { reader_thread = new Thread() { public void run() { Log.i( TAG, "Read thread started" ); stop = false; if( connected_is != null ) read( connected_is ); else Log.i(TAG, "Read not started : is null" ); Log.i(TAG, "Read thread ended"); stop = false; reader_thread = null; } }; //; reader_thread.start(); } public void connected( final InputStream is, final OutputStream os ) { // TODO: ergens hier de firmware_flash_start inbouwen if( is == null ) { if( reader_thread != null ) { //reader_thread.join(); // stop = true; reader_thread.interrupt(); // reader_thread.interrupt(); } return ; } if( firmware_start_stk500 ) { firmware_start_stk500 = false; final Logx logx = new Logx( ma, ma.getBaseContext() ); // Firmware flash situation Log.i( TAG, "Starting firmware" ); try { Thread.sleep( 750 ); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Thread fw_flash = new Thread() { public void run() { STK500 p0 = new STK500(is, os, logx); try { p0.main( fw_final2 ); if( bt2 != null ) { bt2.close();; } if( blehandler != null ) { blehandler.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); if( bt2 != null ) { bt2.close();; } if( blehandler != null ) { blehandler.close(); } } } }; fw_flash.start(); return; } if( is != null && connected_is == is && ( reader_thread != null && !reader_thread.isInterrupted() ) ) { Log.i( TAG, "Connected got same descriptor" ); return ; // Same description, nothing to do } connected_os = os; connected_is = is; if( reader_thread != null ) { Log.i(TAG, "Killing reader_thread for new is & os"); reader_thread.interrupt(); if( reader_thread != null ) try { reader_thread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Log.i(TAG, "Killed reader_thread for new is & os"); reader_thread = null; } teller_input_lines = 0; // TODO: willen we dit wel ivm sharing en zo? if( is != null && os != null ) reader_thread_start(); } public void showSecondSensor( boolean show ) { if( !show && gdataset.getSeriesCount() > 2 ) { gdataset.removeSeries(2); renderer.removeSeriesRenderer(r_second_channel); return ; } if( show && gdataset.getSeriesCount() < 3 ) { gdataset.addSeries(series[2]); renderer.addSeriesRenderer(r_second_channel); return ; } } /** * Show a notification while this service is running. */ private void showNotification(CharSequence text, CharSequence text2) { // Set the icon, scrolling text and timestamp Notification notification = new Notification(R.drawable.icon3, text, System.currentTimeMillis()); // The PendingIntent to launch our activity if the user selects this notification //PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, // new Intent(this, BaristaServiceActivities.Controller.class), 0); // Set the info for the views that show in the notification panel. //notification.setLatestEventInfo(this, text2, text, null); // Send the notification. //mNM.notify( 42 , notification); } public void patchup_line_out( ) { // suppose: cmd set pd1 3 // new: means 0,03 // old: means 3 // of: 2 preferences.xml ... } public void patchup_line_in( ) { } public void updateDataset( String msg, int index ) throws RemoteException, NumberFormatException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException { msg = msg.replace("\r", ""); log.write( msg ); log.write("\n"); if( !pause_updates ) if( !msg.startsWith( "tmp ") || ( msg.startsWith( "tmp ") && teller % 10 == 0 ) ) Log.i(TAG, "-" + msg + "-"); if( msg.endsWith("NOT OK") ) return; // kopjesteller sjit // if( !msg.endsWith(" OK") ) // return; if( teller_input_lines == 4 ) { // do the initial querying write( "\ncmd get grndr_cnt\n" ); // TODO: remove: legacy } if( teller_input_lines++ == 3 ) { // Clock initialization: seconds since midnight Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.set( Calendar.DST_OFFSET, 0); long now = c.getTimeInMillis(); /* c.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); c.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); c.set(Calendar.DST_OFFSET, 0); long passed = now - c.getTimeInMillis(); long secondsPassed = passed / 1000; */ long secondsPassed = c.get( Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY ) * 3600 + c.get( Calendar.MINUTE ) * 60 + c.get( Calendar.SECOND ); write( "\ncmd clock set " + secondsPassed + "\n" ); write( "\ncmd uname OK\n"); // do the initial querying write( "\ncmd dump\n" ); } if( msg.startsWith( "dbg Finished" ) ) { teller_input_lines = 0; return; } if( msg.startsWith("pid ") || msg.startsWith( "sht ") ) { mHandler.obtainMessage(MainActivity.MESSAGE_READ, msg.length(), -1, msg ).sendToTarget(); return ; } if( !( msg.startsWith("cmd ") || msg.startsWith("T ") || msg.startsWith( "tmp " ) || msg.startsWith("get ") ) ) return ; if( msg.startsWith("cmd uname ") ) { String parts[] = msg.split(" "); SharedPreferences settings = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ma); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit(); Map keys = settings.getAll(); for( Map.Entry entry : keys.entrySet( ) ) { if( entry.getKey().equals("pref_uname") ) { editor.putString( "pref_uname", msg.replace( "cmd uname ", "" ).replace( " OK", "" ) ); } } editor.commit(); this.legacy = msg.contains( "V4" ); } if( msg.startsWith("cmd set ") || msg.startsWith("cmd get ") || msg.startsWith("get ") ) { // kopjes teller sjit if( msg.startsWith("get ") ) msg = "cmd " + msg; String parts[] = msg.split(" "); // TODO: dit rukkiet rukkiet natuurlijk enorm //SharedPreferences preference = getSharedPreferences( "nl.digitalthings.mebarista.statistics", 0); SharedPreferences settings = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ma); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit(); if( parts.length < 4) return ; if( ! settings.contains( "pref_" + parts[2] ) ) Log.i( TAG, " KEY NOT AVAILABLE " + "pref_" + parts[2]); if( parts[3] != "" ) Log.i( TAG, "Setting " + parts[2] + " to " + (int)Float.parseFloat(parts[3])); //pause_prefs = true; //PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ma).unregisterOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); if( true ) { Map keys = settings.getAll(); boolean key_found = false; for( Map.Entry entry : keys.entrySet( ) ) { if( entry.getKey().equals("pref_" + parts[2]) ) { String entry_type = entry.getValue().getClass().getName(); // Do something if( entry_type.equals("java.lang.Integer") ) { editor.putInt( "pref_" + parts[2], Integer.parseInt( parts[3].replace(".00", "") ) ); Log.i(TAG, entry.getKey() + " set as integer"); } if( entry_type.equals("java.lang.Float") ) { editor.putFloat("pref_" + parts[2], Integer.parseInt(parts[3].replace(".00", ""))); Log.i(TAG, entry.getKey() + " set as float"); } if( entry_type.equals("java.lang.Boolean") ) { editor.putBoolean( "pref_" + parts[2], Integer.parseInt( parts[3] ) != 0 ); Log.i(TAG, entry.getKey() + " set as boolean" ); } if( entry_type.equals("java.lang.String") ) { editor.putString( "pref_" + parts[2], parts[3] ); Log.i(TAG, entry.getKey() + " set as string"); } key_found = true; break; } } if( !key_found ) Log.e( TAG, "Key not found: " + parts[2] ); } //editor.putInt("pref_" + parts[2], Integer.parseInt( parts[3].replace( ".00", "" ) ) ); editor.commit(); //PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ma).registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); //pause_prefs = false; return ; } if( !( msg.startsWith("T ") || msg.startsWith( "tmp " ) ) ) return ; for(XYSeries serie : series) { int csize = 5000; if( serie.getItemCount() >= csize ) serie.remove(0); } String[] parts = msg.replaceAll("T ","").replaceAll("tmp ", "").replaceAll("\n", "").split(" "); //msg.replaceAll( "tmp ", "" ); if( parts.length < 3 ) return ; double val; // Setpoint val = Double.parseDouble(parts[1]); if( index == 0 && val > 0.0 ) series[0].add( teller, val / 100.0 ); // Boiler val = Double.parseDouble(parts[2]); if( val > 0.0 ) series[index + 1].add( teller, val / 100.0 ); // Second sensor val = Double.parseDouble(parts[3]); if( val > 5.0 && val < 20000) series[index + 2].add( teller, val / 100.0 ); // Annotations String[] parts_annotation = msg.replaceAll("T ","").replaceAll("\n", "").split("\t"); if( parts_annotation.length > 1 ) { double temp = Double.parseDouble(parts[2]); double offset = temp > 101.0 ? 7.0 : -5.0; series[0].addAnnotation(parts_annotation[1].replace("-", "\n").replace(" OK",""), teller, Double.parseDouble(parts[2]) / 100.0 + offset ); } if( index == 0 && teller % 60 == 0 ) { renderer.addXTextLabel( teller, ( teller / 60 ) + ":00"); } teller++; if( !pause_updates ) mHandler.obtainMessage(MainActivity.MESSAGE_READ, msg.length(), -1, msg ).sendToTarget(); // ma.update(); } public void fillChartWithDemoData_File(String filename, int index) { AssetManager ast_mgr = getApplicationContext().getAssets(); InputStream is_demo = null; //if(gdataset.getSeries()[0].getMaxX() > 0) // return ; try { is_demo =; } catch ( IOException e ) { showNotification("Not found", "Demo data"); return ; } Scanner scanner = new Scanner(is_demo).useDelimiter("\n"); String line = ""; // pause the updates to the UI: would be slow // pause_updates = true; int linecnt = 0; while( linecnt++ < 2500 ) { try { line =; } catch(NoSuchElementException e) { break; } try { updateDataset( line.replace(".00", ""), index ); if( line.startsWith( "T ") || line.startsWith( "tmp " ) ) { Thread.sleep( 250); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // pause_updates = false; // repeat last line to trigger auto-scaling in UI try { updateDataset(line, index); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Thread filldemo = new Thread() { public void run() { String msg; msg = "dem 250 OK"; mHandler.obtainMessage(MainActivity.MESSAGE_READ, msg.length(), -1, msg ).sendToTarget(); fillChartWithDemoData_File( "56273d393cab0" /* "mecoffee-20150604-2021.txt" */, 0 ); msg = "dem 1000 OK"; mHandler.obtainMessage(MainActivity.MESSAGE_READ, msg.length(), -1, msg ).sendToTarget(); } }; class DemoThread implements Runnable { String m_filename; boolean running; public DemoThread( String filename ) { m_filename = filename; } public void stop_mecoffee() { running = false; } public void run() { running = true; String msg; msg = "dem 250 OK"; mHandler.obtainMessage(MainActivity.MESSAGE_READ, msg.length(), -1, msg ).sendToTarget(); fillChartWithDemoData_File( m_filename /* "mecoffee-20150604-2021.txt" */, 0); msg = "dem 1000 OK"; mHandler.obtainMessage(MainActivity.MESSAGE_READ, msg.length(), -1, msg ).sendToTarget(); } public void fillChartWithDemoData_File(String filename, int index) { AssetManager ast_mgr = getApplicationContext().getAssets(); InputStream is_demo = null; //if(gdataset.getSeries()[0].getMaxX() > 0) // return ; try { is_demo =; } catch ( IOException e ) { showNotification("Not found", "Demo data"); return ; } Scanner scanner = new Scanner(is_demo).useDelimiter("\n"); String line = ""; // pause the updates to the UI: would be slow // pause_updates = true; int linecnt = 0; while( /* linecnt++ < 2500 && */ running ) { try { line =; } catch(NoSuchElementException e) { break; } try { updateDataset( line.replace(".00", ""), index ); if( line.startsWith( "T ") || line.startsWith( "tmp " ) ) { Thread.sleep( 100 ); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // pause_updates = false; // repeat last line to trigger auto-scaling in UI try { updateDataset(line, index); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private Thread demo_thread; private DemoThread demo_runnable; public void fillChartWithDemoData() { series[0].setTitle("Setpoint"); series[1].setTitle("meCoffee"); series[2].setTitle("Typical"); renderer.setLegendTextSize(28); renderer.setShowLegend(true); // renderer.setFitLegend(true); renderer.setLegendHeight(-200); renderer.setMargins(new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }); renderer.setFitLegend(true); renderer.setLegendHeight(-200); teller = 0; // fillChartWithDemoData_File("silvia_pid_warmup_110.txt", 0 ); //if( filldemo.isAlive() ) // filldemo.stop(); //filldemo.start(); if( demo_thread != null ) { demo_runnable.stop_mecoffee(); try { demo_thread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } demo_runnable = new DemoThread( "56273d393cab0" ); demo_thread = new Thread( demo_runnable ); demo_thread.start( ); //teller = 0; //fillChartWithDemoData_File("isomac_startup.txt", 1 ); } public void write(String line) { if( connected_os == null ) return; Log.i( TAG, "WRITE: " + line); // bt2.write(line.getBytes()); try { connected_os.write(line.getBytes()); connected_os.flush(); // blehandler.flush_handler( new Message() ); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } void updateStopped() { mHandler.obtainMessage(MainActivity.DEVICE_OFF, 0, -1, null ).sendToTarget(); } private Handler mHandler; void setHandler(Handler h, MainActivity ma_ac) { Log.i( TAG, "setHandler" ); mHandler = h; ma = ma_ac; // This is only here because SharedPreferences is not available at service creation SharedPreferences sharedPref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences( this ); if( bt2 == null && sharedPref.getBoolean( "pref_bt_bt2_enabled", true ) ) { bt2 = new BTHandler(this); } if( blehandler == null && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M && sharedPref.getBoolean( "pref_bt_ble_enabled", true ) ) { BluetoothManager mBluetoothManager = (BluetoothManager) ma.getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE); blehandler = new BLEHandler(this, mBluetoothManager); //blehandler.setup(); // warum? // bt2.ble_is =; // bt2.ble_os = blehandler.os; blehandler.logx = new Logx(ma, ma.getBaseContext()); // do_firmware(); // TODO: currently only parses the firmware, move out of here blehandler.fw = fw_final2; // same } //if( bt2 != null ) //; } void stop() { //bt2.stop_loop(); } private boolean write_flush_sleep( String line, int timeout ) { try { connected_os.write(line.getBytes()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { connected_os.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if( timeout > 0 ) try { Thread.sleep( timeout ); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return true; } void do_firmware_2( String firmware_file ) { if( connected_os == null || connected_is == null ) { Log.i(TAG, "do_firmware_2 - aborted, no connection"); return; } Log.i(TAG, "do_firmware_2 - nieuwe stijl"); if( bt2 != null ) bt2.discover_stop( ); load_firmware(firmware_file); Logx logx = new Logx( ma, ma.getBaseContext() ); // First reset enable might cause a reset Log.i( TAG, "First reset" ); write_flush_sleep("\ncmd reset en\n", 5000); // So do it twice Log.i(TAG, "Second reset"); write_flush_sleep("\ncmd reset en\n", 1000); firmware_start_stk500 = true; if( bt2 != null ) bt2.close(); if( blehandler != null ) blehandler.close(); if( bt2 != null ) try { Thread.sleep( 1000 ); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if( bt2 != null ) bt2.scan_connect(); // TODO : BLE starten? // BLE start zichzelf via de close call ( code smell ) // STK programmer will be started from the 'connected' callback return; /* SharedPreferences settings = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ma); if ( !settings.getString( "pref_fw_pin", "" ).equals( "6502" ) ) { logx.logcat( "No soup for you: request firmware pincode from", "v" ); return; } */ /* if( blehandler != null ) { do_firmware_2_ble( ); return; } // stop(); stop = true; try { Thread.sleep( 5000 ); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if( connected_is != null ) // todo: should not happen? try { while( connected_is.available() > 0 ) { // TODO: kan mogelijk weg als de STK500 impl dat al doet.; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // do_firmware(); // this only loads the hex file stop = false; // firmware_start_stk500 = true; try { bt2.upload_firmware(fw_final2, logx ); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } */ } void do_firmware_2_ble( ) { Log.i(TAG, "BLE Firmware situation"); blehandler.start_firmware = true; blehandler.close( ); } void load_firmware( String firmware_file ) { if( did_firmware ) { //showNotification("Firmware already flashed", "Firmware update"); //return ; } did_firmware = true; AssetManager ast_mgr = getApplicationContext().getAssets(); InputStream is_fw = null; try { is_fw = firmware_file ); } catch ( IOException e ) { showNotification("Firmware not found", "Firmware update"); } byte[] fw_buffer = new byte[64000]; byte[] fw_buffer2 = new byte[64000]; int fw_ptr = 0, fw_ptr2 = 0; Scanner scanner = new Scanner(is_fw).useDelimiter("\r\n"); String line; while(true) { try { line =; } catch(NoSuchElementException e) { break; } if( line.startsWith(":") ) { line = line.replace(":", "3A"); for(int i=0; i < line.length() / 2; i++) fw_buffer[fw_ptr + i] = Integer.decode("0x" + line.substring(2*i, 2*i+2)).byteValue(); for(int i=0; i < line.length() / 2 - 6; i++) fw_buffer2[fw_ptr2 + i] = Integer.decode("0x" + line.substring(2*(i+5), 2*(i+5)+2)).byteValue(); fw_ptr += line.length() / 2; fw_ptr2 += line.length() / 2 - 6; } } /* byte[] */ fw_final = new byte[fw_ptr]; for(int i=0; i