meBarista in Ionic2. This is the codebase used to make the iOS meBarista App. It also builds for Android, but support is limited to Bluetooth Classic devices for now ( no BLE ). I think it is feasible to support BLE on Android by adding a BLE plugin. On Android ( with Classic devices ) there is no auto-pairing : you need to pair your meCoffee through the system Bluetooth settings. I hope to get it working on OSX and Windows to replace the Google Chrome App. Build: - Install NPM - Install Ionic2 and Cordova - Clone the repository - npm install - ionic platform add android - ionic run android - ionic platform add ios - ionic run ios --device - For Android, use Google Chrome "chrome://inspect" to connect to the app - For iOS, use XCode to attach the debugger Release iOS: - bump version in config.xml - copy of plist ( permissions ) - Open in XCode - Enter developer keys - Build, archive - Go to To get provision profile - Get Apple Developer Account : - Go into "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" - Create keys and provision profiles